Baby Beans by Mattel

Kind of like a Beanie Baby before there were Beanie Babies.
My Baby Beans had a beanbag body and a vinyl head with a permanent hood. She loved to ride around in my white-flowered bicycle basket as I patrolled the neighborhood (always riding on the sidewalk, never in the street!)


Anonymous said...

love this!! i had the pink one and my sister had the yellow one. i later got the one in the blue jammies that talks! i am trying to get one on ebay; that is the only place i can find one now!! love your painting

amy said...

Oh man. I started to think I was the only one who remembered Baby Beans. I actually took mine to the first day of third grade-I remember some mean ole boy making fun of my "baby", but since I was still under the age of 11 and all full of girl confidence I think I hit him with her. She had a pull string and said things like "Kiss Baby" and "I love you", (she wasn't really that articulate, but I didn't care), and my brother used to hold the string out so that the mechanism inside slowed down and she wound up sounding drunk. Damn, he was mean!